What We Do

The ISF supports Irish Sailing in the following ways:

Performance Pathway Programme

There is currently a cost to parents/athletes for participating in the Programme at each stage. This is difficult to reduce due to the lack of sufficient funding. The ISF aims to reduce this cost by increasing our grants to Irish Sailing in this area.


Irish Sailing supports young Irish sailors at the Development stage of the Pathway (Stage 3) to combine third level education with their training in Dun Laoghaire. Costs for many from other parts of Ireland can be prohibitive. The ISF supports Development athletes through the provision of bursaries, so that this talent is not lost.

Support for Facilities and Equipment

The ISF funded the provision of facilities for Irish Sailing’s Performance Pathway, including the Performance HQ, Phase 1 (2019).

We are currently working towards Phase 2 of our strategy to develop permanent facilities, in order to develop the Pathway programme and provide a centre of excellence for sailing in Dun Laoghaire.

Performance Pathway

The Irish Sailing Pathway focusses on the development of sailors from approximately 14-23.  The Irish Sailing Foundation aims to ensure greater support across the Pathway for talented sailors.



ILCA 4 & Topper Squads - Age 14-16

Squads are selected for the Irish Sailing Winter & Summer Squads in the Topper and ILCA4 classes, based on performance at Irish Sailing Youth Nationals and other competitive regattas. The focus is on training to compete at international level.



Academy - Age 16-18

Athletes are selected based on performance to date as well as behaviour, attitude, motivation and ambition. The programme is more intensive and involves competing in a series of international regattas annually.



Development Squad - Age 18-23

Athletes at this stage of the Pathway are required to make a major change in their level of training commitment, at a time when life is changing for them – leaving school, going to university.



Senior Squad (23+)

At this stage of the Pathway, athletes are committing to an Olympic campaign if they have not already done so. Ideally, there will be several teams competing at this level.

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